
A man and a woman’s decision to marry does not always mean they are committed to each other. Sex-appeal and lust for each other are what we all have when we get married. Love grows over time. High moral standards will help put a marriage on firm footing. A strong marriage can survive illness, financial downfall, or differences in opinion if mutual respect is firmly in place. When marriage is based on pre-conceived or dishonest likes and dislikes, the relationship could be headed for trouble. An example of this is outdoor people are generally happier marrying outdoor people. I think it is important to have a solid friendship between husband and wife. Togetherness begins with both husband and wife participating in activities and adventures, fermenting like-ability and building trust.

Treating each other as equals can only happen if both are self-confident, moralistic, and willing to grow together. A mentally strong person generally dominates the partnership, but if the weaker person learns to be decisive (never say “I don’t know”) and makes well thought-out decisions, a self-assertive attitude will follow. Being a good listener is important, but listening to insults and demands is a waste of time. When egos and emotion step in the way of rational dialogue an argument ensues. Step away from a heated argument. It is unproductive and will lead to resentment. Timing is important. A calm atmosphere is a starting point. Remember, the person you married cannot be changed unless he/she decides to change. It is not anyone’s right to change another person. Changes must be self-induced.


The birth of a child is a sacred experience. We as parents must care for, protect, and teach children to understand the meaning of right and wrong. Raising children takes stamina and patience. Kids need guidelines that are adhered to and not deviated from because they will push hard to do what they want if the parent is not hard and fast about those guidelines. All children want to be loved and nurtured. They want to please their parents. The difference between a badly behaved child and a well behaved child is how effective the parent is in correcting behavior when it happens, letting the child know that bad behavior will not be tolerated.

Responsibility is a key component in childhood development. Small children taught to pick up toys and be neat and clean learn responsibility. Household chores, both indoor and outdoor, are important. No payment is necessary. Family members should work together and when the job is done, congratulate each other on a job well done. Overseeing the education of a child is essential. Encouragement and help in a particularly difficult subject takes time and involvement, but the rewards are enormous. Kids can languish and turn away from being good students if they are not wholeheartedly supported by their parents. Self-confidence grows when children study hard and get good grades.

I raised two sons. We had fun waterskiing, riding skate boards, camping, and racing sailboats together. Being a parent gives you the opportunity to be a child again yourself. The entire family having fun together is the key to happiness.

I enjoyed parenting my two boys

I enjoyed parenting my two boys

doughnuts on boat

racing downwind

ultralight flight